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Side-by-side Comparison

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Versus Endurance

A Side-by-Side Comparison With Endurance

Your vehicle isn't just a luxury; it's the freedom to go wherever you want to, whenever you want to - and need to. If you've ever spent a few days or more relying on public transportation, you know that it's not a feasible replacement for having your own vehicle. Your journeys will sometimes take you twice as long to get from your home to your destination. There's no way to do your grocery shopping for a few days at once. And the bus might not even be running when you need to leave for work, or get home from a party. That's why it's imperative that you keep your vehicle running reliably. To do that, you need breakdown coverage. For all the reasons above, your coverage should be the best you can get. There are multiple companies that offer breakdown coverage; so how can you know which one to choose? Here at Onust, we want to make vehicle ownership as hassle-free as it can possibly be; right from the process of choosing your coverage. That's why we saved you the work of comparing us to other companies. On this page, we're checking out how coverage from Endurance stacks up against our coverage.

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Expense Reimbursement: 

We know it's not just your vehicle that's sidelined by mechanical or technological breakdowns. You get inconvenienced, too; but we have you covered with rental cars, rideshare assistance, and travel lodging reimbursements when your vehicle needs to have repairs that are covered by your policy. Endurance focuses on your vehicle, reimburses you for a rental car, and leaves you to figure out the rest.
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Lifetime Coverage: 

How long would you like to keep your vehicle? If you're seriously considering getting repair and maintenance coverage, you're probably one of the many drivers who would like to keep your vehicle for as long as possible. That's why Onust provides lifetime coverage. That means your coverage will last the entire time that you own your vehicle - no matter how long that is. With Endurance, you can only get 4 or 5 years of coverage. After that, you're on your own.
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The various plans that Onust offers allow you to choose what levels of coverage you want, at very competitive prices. And the low monthly cost isn't the only way you'll save money with us. When your vehicle needs some work, you won't pay any deductible before the work can start. When your vehicle gets on in years and miles, you're still benefiting from great coverage, instead of having to cover everything yourself when you need coverage the most. Relax; you have Onust coverage.
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Activation Fee Benefits: 

You might be wondering what the benefits of any fee could be. The activation fee that's part of the Onust Connect Plus plan substitutes for the 30 days or 1,000 miles that Endurance and other companies like it make you wait before you begin to be covered for anything going wrong with your vehicle. You need your vehicle's regular insurance to take effect right away, and you need your breakdown insurance to do the same. Collisions and mechanical failures are unforeseeable; but you can be prepared for them with automotive insurance, and breakdown insurance with Onust.
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YES Specific High Tech Coverage NO
NO Waiting Period 30 days-1,000 Miles
Lifetime Term 4yrs & 5yrs
YES Instant Online Quote NO
YES Activation Fee YES
YES Rental Car Benefit YES

Better Coverage, Longer Coverage, Without Delay

So which automotive breakdown coverage company is the best one for you? When you consider all the points, the choice is clear. Does your vehicle have any high-tech components that it needs in order to operate correctly? If so, you need those components to be covered in order for the coverage to successfully keep you motoring. Would you like to keep driving your current vehicle for more than another 5 years, instead of paying a lot of money or going into debt by financing another vehicle to take its place? If so, you need to have coverage that will last for as long as you decide to keep your vehicle - no matter how long that might turn out to be. Is there any chance that something could go wrong with your vehicle in the next 30 days or 1,000 miles? Unless you're going to be exclusively using a different vehicle for a month, the answer is yes; so you need coverage that starts right away. And those are just the biggest differences between Onust and Endurance. To see everything Onust can do for you, check out our FAQ page, or contact us.

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